Qingdao Hicorp Group Celebrates International Women’s Day

As the International Women’s Day approaches, Qingdao Hicorp Group organized a colorful celebration to extend blessings and greetings to the family members who have long supported and understood the work of Hicorp, as well as to the female employees who have been striving in their positions.

Heartwarming greetings with flowers conveying emotions. On March 7th, under the theme of “Spring Warmth, Love on International Women’s Day,” Hicorp Group organized an event to express care and gratitude to the staff and their families who are engaged in installation and after-sales work. Flowers and exquisite gifts were delivered to their families. The installation and after-sales team has been steadfastly working on the frontlines, making outstanding contributions to the development of the group’s business. The families of the employees have made silent sacrifices, overcoming various life difficulties. They have been the strong support behind the employees’ peace of mind at work. The achievements of the employees and the development of Hicorp are a testament to the wisdom and hard work of their families, as well as their understanding and support. After receiving care and blessings, the families of the employees expressed their gratitude to the company and stated that they would continue to support the work of the group, take care of the “home front,” and fully support their family members’ careers.

A bouquet of flowers is more expressive than a thousand words.

Today, let us pay tribute to the “goddesses” of Hicorp.

On March 8th, female employees from various companies of the group gathered together to celebrate the festival. The venue was filled with the fragrance of flowers and was lively. Flower gifts upon entry, a “wealthy women” tea party, and various games added to the joyful festive atmosphere, allowing everyone to enjoy spiritual pleasure during their leisure time at work.

Chen Xiuyan, the Chairman of the Group’s Labor Union and Vice General Manager, first extended holiday greetings to all female employees on behalf of the group at the event. She thanked everyone for their enterprising spirit and pioneering efforts on all fronts. She also outlined the specific tasks and requirements of the union’s Women’s Committee. In the next step, the Women’s Committee of the Group’s Labor Union will serve the overall development, fully lead female employees to play their role as “half the sky.” They will be guided by the genuine needs of female employees, effectively safeguard their legitimate rights and interests, and carry out caring and heartwarming services. They will steadily promote the construction of female employee organizations.

With the resilient warmth of women, time becomes even more peaceful, and with the dazzling efforts of fighting women, the world becomes even more splendid. All female employees of Hicorp Group will continue to fulfill their mission as modern women, constantly striving and pursuing their dreams in their respective positions, and continuously contribute their “she power” to the high-quality development of the company.

Post time: Mar-08-2024